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February 14, 2020 6 min read

Are your kitchen cabinets spilling over with tupperware and tin foil? Are your countertops cluttered with cans and kitchen utensils? Do you have nowhere to put that new slow cooker or 5-quart mixer?

We get it! We really do! We all have so much “stuff” in our kitchens and sometimes finding a place for the stuff can seem impossible!

But do not fear! You kitchen storage solutions are here! And oh boy, do we have some very clever kitchen storage solutions to overcome the cluttered kitchen conundrum!

So, lets get started on the coolest kitchen storage ideas to tidy, un-junk and organize your kitchen once and for all!

When it comes to kitchen storage, we love the hang up method! So many kitchen items can be hung to free up precious kitchen cabinet, counter and pantry space.

Our hanging kitchen storage ideas:

Nice Rack!

Free up some of your lower cabinets by using a pot and pan rack. We love these handy storage contraptions hung right over a kitchen island. They are not only a great kitchen cabinet space saver, they are a great design focal point as well.

Copper and metal pots and pans hanging over a kitchen island in a contemporary kitchen with white cabinets

Oh Peggy Sue!

We love you...and pegboards in our kitchens. Did you know that pegboards are a super easy, really inexpensive, and a cute whimsical way to add some storage solutions to your kitchen? Well, now you do! A kitchen pegboard can be used for so many things to ease the strain of drawer and cabinet clutter. You can use your handy kitchen pegboard with hooks for designated baking items, pots, frying pans, kitchen utensils, and even spices. If you are feeling funky, paint or decorate your pegboard for an extra design pop.    


Kitchen pegboard with three spatulas hanging from pegs

Wine Time:

Is your love of wine taking up all your cabinet space? Then hang it up! No, we are not talking about wine! We aren’t monsters! We mean hang up those wine glasses with an under the counter rack or ceiling wine rack. The kitchen wine rack is a great way to show off your wine glass collection and give yourself some storage space! Oh, and the added bonus, those wine goblets will be super handy when wine time roles around.


clear wine glasses hanging from a metal rod attached to a wooden cabinet


Open Sesame:

We love an open shelf for extra kitchen storage. Use a blank space on the wall to add some small shelving for mason jars, or tuck an open shelf in a walk in pantry or on the back of the pantry door for easy access. And how about those plastic containers for pasta and cereals? We want to kiss whoever came up with that idea! Alone, those handy kitchen containers are a perfect storage solution for your kitchen, but plop those bins in an open cabinet or shelf and you've got yourself a fun design feature too!


Glass mason jars with sugar and spices on an open shelf
Clear plastic kitchen storage continers for cereal and pasta


If you can’t hang it up in the kitchen, try sticking it up! Yes, sticking is a great way to save counter top storage and even cabinet space. We have some great kitchen storage ideas that really stick - see what we did there?

Stuck Like Magnets:

There are so many cool magnetic strips out there that we just love for kitchen storage solutions. These versatile strips can be stuck on the wall, in or outside kitchen cabinets, or even on the refrigerator, and they really help with kitchen storage! One of our favorite use of the magnet strip is the magnetic knife rack. It saves so much counter space over the typical block knife holder and it kinda makes us feel like a professional chef!

Stainless steel knives on a brown magnetic knife strip agains a green kitchen wall


Suck it up buttercup:

A suction cup storage bin or rack is a great way to organize your spices, kitchen utensils,  sauces, condiments, or cleaning products. These handy little suckers - we did it again! can be stuck to a wall, a door of a kitchen cabinet or kitchen pantry without doing any damage. Suction storage bins are easy, affordable, and super handy! 

Condiments and sauces on a white suction shelf stuck to white kitchen wall


We don’t know what sort of relationship you have with your kitchen cabinets, and we don’t want to pry, but did you know you can go much deeper? Yes, your kitchen cabinets have more to offer you than what you may be thinking!

Sure, we all know about the inside of our kitchen cabinets are for storage, but we have some clever kitchen cabinet storage ideas that will help you de-clutter and deepen your kitchen cabinet relations.

Start At the End:

We love using end caps of the kitchen cabinet for extra storage savers. A great tip is to use hooks or utensil strips at the end of a kitchen cabinet to hang hand towels, kitchen cooking utensils, and other often-used items. Or, if your space will allow, consider a stand alone narrow shelf for lots of extra storage. You can recycle an old CD shelf to hold a selection your of spices and mixes!

Recycled CD rack with a selection of glass mason jars filled with various spices for kitchen storage solutions

Chain of Command: 

What family doesn't need a one stop mom station, dad headquarter, family nerve center, paper junk organizer? Whatever you call it, we relish the idea of keeping your whole family organized and your paper in its place. The kitchen command center (let's call it that for now) is an easy DIY project. Just use the ends of your cabinets or a spare wall for mail, coupon clippings, chore lists and calendars. Mix it up with storage bins, key holders, calendars, cork boards and dry erase boards to get the ultimate command of your world right at the end of your kitchen cabinet!

kitchen command center featuring calendars wall chalk boards storage bins and other organizational storage

Bottoms up!

That vacant space underneath your upper cabinets is prime real estate, so move in!  Easily add magnetic strips for a floating spice rack or consider using an array of hooks to hang often used kitchen utensils or coffee mugs. A rack or bar shelf are great little devices to tuck under your kitchen cabinetry and add some storage to the unused area.

coffee cups hanging from a metal rod under a kitchen cabinet

Kick it!

A toekick area is at the very very bottom of your kitchen cabinets. Did you even know it was there? Well, it is and it is just dead space, so why not make it work for your storage needs? Installing a toekick drawer can really expand your kitchen storage space. With some ingenuity, you can make the bottom of your cabinetry an easy(ish) DIY project and give you some more storage options. Add these thin toe kick drawers for baking pans, oven mitts, or platters.

Kitchen toe kick drawer with pans and other kitchen items are stored

It’s What’s On The Inside that Counts:

Yes, yes, we know that the kitchen cabinets are used for storage. But did you know that the inside of your cabinet door can turn into a handy catch-all storage center? The kitchen cabinet door is just sitting there waiting to be used, so go for it! You can hang metal bins to store utensils, spices, and dishcloths. Try adding a tiny shelf for easy to grab sponges, cleaning products and scouring pads.

inside a kitchen cabinet door with white storage bins with assorted cleaning products for storage


Shhhh, can you keep a secret? No, neither can we. That’s why we are spilling the beans about the best kitchen hiding places. Oh there are so many clever little tricks. Let us show you some of our favorite kitchen storage hiding places.

Mind the Gap:

The gap between your refrigerator and your cabinets is a great hiding place for platters and large pans.  If the gap allows, using a slide-out storage tower that can hold spices, kitchen utensils, can goods, spices and more is a handy little way to add storage to small kitchens.

Stainless steel fridge with white sliding pantry rack for additional kitchen storage

Oh-Vey, The Oven:

This little hiding spot may be obvious to many, but it's surprising how many people still overlook the open space of the oven for added kitchen storage. Yes, the inside of your oven is a clever little hiding spot. Use it for dishes, pans, pots, and even canned goods. Don’t forget to clear it out before pre-heating though!

kitchen oven with an open door

What A Stud!

Make use of the space between wall studs for some really clever kitchen storage ideas. We love a good appliance garage with a roll top access. If you have an area where you can't put a swing cabinet door, no worries, use a roller top. They are so cute in the kitchen and are just perfect for those kitchen appliances that you don’t use all the time but that take up so much space. So park your Instant Pot, slow cooker or giant mixer in the garage and roll it out when you need it.

appliance garage in kitchen with roll top cabinet for storage

Well, there you have it our guide to your kitchen storage solutions.

So, get cracking and start organizing your kitchen! 

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